Passmore Edwards Portrait: linocut illustration

A linocut portrait of John Passmore Edwards, Victorian philanthropist (1823—1911). Commissioned as a promotional image for the John Passmore Edwards Centennial Lecture given at St Bride Library in London. Hand printed limited editions in red and black were provided for guests on the night. 135 x 190 mm

More projects:
Baby Baby: book cover design and illustration
Flewitt & Sons Bakers Poster: linocut and letterpress
Ravenscourt Builders: logo and identity
Lord Nuffield, A Philanthropic Legacy: book design
Letterpress Star Wars Prints
Al Shafie Miles Website: responsive web design
Linocut Christmas Cards: illustration & design
London Cornish Association: greetings card illustration
Pink Milkfloat 2012 Tour Poster: linocut Illustration
Horton & Garton: eNewsletter header illustrations